The Rockport and the Cape Cod by Lopi are both powered by Hybrid-Fyre — an award winning technology to use less wood, burn hotter fires for longer, and reduce emissions. In the end, you save money while also minimizing your environmental impact.
Lopi Cast Iron Gas Stoves
Hand assembled in the USA from beautiful European castings, the Rockport Hybrid-Fyre is one of the cleanest burning and most efficient stoves in the world! Features you’re going to LOVE! • Cleverly concealed Bypass Damper for smoke free startups and reloading • A single easy-to-use Air Operating Control gives you full command over your burn • The large standard Ash Pan makes cleanup effortless • Full cast iron convection chamber • 400 CFM Fan expedites heated air into your home The Rockport is also compatible with GreenStart – a Lopi exclusive and a must for the modern wood burner. Simply load your wood and push a button! Be sure to ask Mountain Home Center for a demo. Download Brochure >>
Cape Cod Wood Stove
The Cape Cod is, alongside the Rockport, the other cleanest burning and most efficient cast iron wood stove in the world. Revolutionary Hybrid-Fyre technology allows this stove to produce just 0.45 grams of emissions per hour and perform at over 80% efficiency, saving you money and many trips to your wood pile. The Cape Cod features elevated craftsmanship, a massive 3 cubic foot firebox and a convection heat exchanger, all wrapped up and presented to you in an elegant package of cast iron beauty and durability. Cape Cod features the option of adding the GreenStart igniter. This push button ignition system is great for the modern wood burner; just load your wood and push a button! Lopi has completely eliminated slow, cracked open door startups and laboring over fickle newspaper.Shown above: The cast iron Cape Cod in porcelain Oxford Brown enamel; and, New Iron Finish.
More Wood Stoves by Lopi

Endeavor Wood Stove
A beautiful workhorse that unites form and function into an unbeatable heat transfer system. Clean burning with a warm, radiant heat. Featuring the biggest and cleanest-burning firebox of any medium-size stove. A taller door opening is featured on the Endeavor allowing you to load in larger pieces of wood and an extended burning time. Available with a GreenStart Option. GreenStart is an ignition system for the modern wood burner; just load your wood and push a button! Lopi has completely eliminated slow, cracked open door startups and laboring over fickle newspaper.
Liberty Wood Stove
At only 2.6 grams of emissions per hour, the Liberty is the cleanest burning large stove ever approved by the EPA. It’s also the largest stove made by Lopi. A large viewing area and cooktop surface the liberty gives about as much as a wood stove could ever give. Featuring the largest firebox of any large stove, logs up to 24 inches in length can be loaded into the unit. The Liberty’s step-top design is enchanting yet functional, providing cooking and warming surfaces as well as radiant and convective heat.Shown above with Steel Sculptured Legs, Pewter Door and Door Handle